AVDC® Job Board Postings

AVDC® Job Board Postings

Beginning May 1, 2019, a 30-day position ad posting on the AVDC® website will cost $250. The fee will be waived for Diplomates of the AVDC® if they are personally posting with their personal contact information listed.

In addition, As of April 6, 2021, the Board has approved that each Diplomate can send one job posting announcement to Active Diplomates, Candidates, and Residents per calendar year via the DMS email system. You can indicate this option below.

Please note, at this time sales of a veterinary practice are only to be posted through DipVDig, not on this website.

The following language will be edited for ad posting:
The term veterinary dentist may be used only to refer to AVDC® Board-Certified Veterinary Dentists™. For individuals who have completed a residency, the terms "board eligible" or "board qualified or credentialed" are unacceptable. For residents that have completed an AVDC® residency, the term is "seeking veterinarians that have completed residency training (NSS, SA, Equine, or Dual)."